General News

Pam Reyes Performs for Sociology Course and SAS
Independent singer and song-writer Pam Reyes recently performed on campus. This performance was a collaboration between Dr. Scott Fitzgerald’s Sociology 1511 course and the Student Association of Sociology (SAS). The event connected with the department common read utilized in Sociology 1511 courses, My Side of the River by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez, which explores themes of […]

Dr. Vaughn Schmutz Selected as SNAAP Research Fellow
Dr. Vaughn Schmutz has been selected to be one of the four 2024/25 SNAAP Research Fellows! Fellows are awarded $5,000, with complimentary access to the 2022 SNAAP Database. Fellows commit to using the SNAAP data to write an article or report with an accompanying SNAAP DataBrief. Congratulations, Dr. Schmutz!
New Publication by Alumni Cayce Jamil
Check out alumni Cayce Jamil’s new publication, French Socialisms. Jamil is a alum of both the UNC Charlotte Sociology program and Public Policy program. This is a translated publication of the book initially written by Durkheimian Célestin Bouglé. The book is available for purchase here as well as a free pdf on Lulu.

Dr. Kendra Jason Awarded Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching
Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr. Kendra Jason for receiving the Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching. This award is given annually to one faculty member who has earned tenure within the last three years. Recipients of this award have shown stellar commitment to teaching in their early careers. “Jason aims to create a transformative […]

Julian Montoro-Rodriguez Presented at Latino & Alzheimer’s Conference in San Diego
Dr. Julian Montoro-Rodriguez and his team recently presented at the Latino & Alzheimer’s Conference in San Diego on their work to develop a principle-guided behavioral educational program (Cuidando Juntos) for Latino dementia caregivers. Cuidando Juntos is an adaptation of the Caregiver TLC ( psychoeducational program to improve mental health of caregivers and increase information and support […]

Dr. Kendra Jason Elected President of S.S.S & Featured in The Charlotte Observer
This month, Dr. Kendra Jason was selected as the next President Elect of the Southern Sociological Society. The S.S.S. Election Committee remarked that this election by far had the most candidates. Congratulations Dr. Jason! Dr. Jason was also recently featured in the Charlotte Observer story discussing the potential impact of Charlotte’s high rate of home […]

Sociology Department Annual Awards Ceremony 2023
On May 3rd the department held the 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of students over the past year. First, we gave a shout-out to our students in leadership positions in the Student Association of Sociology: Nacomi Flanders, President; Sonae Smith, Vice President; Zaniya Ward, Secretary. With your work, the club […]

Dr. Candace Miller Featured in Installment of WCEG Diversity in Economics Series
Dr. Candace Miller was recently featured in an installment of the WCEG Diversity in Economics Series. In this video, she discusses her work in economics as a sociologist and how her lived experience shapes her research. She also discusses prevalent questions regarding diversity and economics such as pathways to becoming an economist, retention in the […]

Graduate Student Alumnus Joseph Graham Featured in Congressional Film Documentary, “Grit & Grace”
Joseph Graham, a former graduate student, was recently featured in the congressional film documentary, “Grit & Grace: The Fight for the American Dream”. The film highlights the stories of three families lived experiences which shows the various ways people find and establish economic security in this country. Graham’s story focuses on his early life and […]

ASA Magazine Publishes Dr. Teresa Scheid’s Insight on Behavioral Health and the College Environment
The most recent edition of Footnotes, a magazine of the American Sociological Association (ASA), featured an article by Dr. Teresa Scheid. The article titled “Behavioral Health and the College Environment” was published in the Fall 2022 edition of Footnotes. This issue of the magazine had a central theme of Sociological Insights on Mental Health. To […]