Teresa Scheid

Teresa Scheid
Ph.D. North Carolina State University
Specialties: Health Research, Organizations, Occupations, and Work, Social Theory
University Affiliations: Public Policy, Public Health
Dr. Teresa L. Scheid is a full professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with joint appointments in Public Policy and Public Health. She has published widely on the organization and delivery of mental health services and the work of mental health care providers, including the 2004 book Tie a Knot and Hang On: Delivering Mental Health Care in a Turbulent Enviornment. Her 2015 book (Comprehensive Care for HIV/AIDS: Community-Based Strategies) focused on community- based initiatives designed to integrate diverse systems of care for minority groups living with HIV/AIDS. A 2018 book, Reducing Race Differences in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: The Case for Regulation, was co-authored with a former doctoral student (Stephany De Scisciolo) and based on data from her dissertation. The most recent research monograph co-authored with another former graduate student (Megan Smith) is Ties That Enable: Community Solidarity for People Living with Serious Mental Health Problems, published in 2021 by Rutgers University Press. Dr. Scheid is senior editor (with Eric Wright) of the 3 rd Edition of the Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and they are working on the 4 th Edition. Dr. Scheid has also examined the impact of a number of legislative mandates including outpatient commitment and the Americans with Disabilities Act and is currently analyzing state level legislative reforms to mental health care. She is working on a book proposal with another former graduate student, Alexandra Patton, which will focus on adult mental health and the impact of state level characteristics and COVID policies on unmet mental health.