Anne-Kathrin Kronberg

Anne-Kathrin Kronberg

Assistant Professor
Fretwell 485B

Areas of Study:

Work, Careers, Organizations, Social Inequality, Research Methods

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I am an Assistant Professor in Sociology and Organization Science at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Before coming to Charlotte, I completed my PhD at Emory University and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

My research examines how organizations shape careers and career outcomes. These outcomes include income, promotions, external employer changes, and the decision to stay in a specific field. I am particularly interested in how careers differ by gender and race. In past and current projects, I have examined how firms’ policy, culture, and composition shape outcomes. For this purpose, I draw on a variety of research designs including longitudinal HR data of a single employer, publicly available linked employer-employee data on many organizations, and qualitative interviews with individual managers and employees. So far, all my research focused on employees within large organizations. However, the nature of work is evolving quickly, and more people work as freelancers in the Platform Economy. A recent research project on Twitch content creators addresses this change and aims to understand new forms of work (see project website for more information). My research has been published in Social Forces, Work and Occupations, Sociological Forum,and Mobilization, and I received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and from the Russell Sage Foundation.