Name of Course | Course Code | Number of Credits |
Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 1101 | 3 |
Sociological Approaches to Global Issues | SOCY 1501 | 3 |
Sociological Approaches to Local Issues | SOCY 1511 | 3 |
Topics in Sociology | SOCY 2090 | 1-3 |
Aging and the Lifecourse | SOCY 2100 | 3 |
Global Hip Hop | SOCY 2107 | 3 |
Popular Culture | SOCY 2112 | 3 |
Introduction to Organizations | SOCY 2115 | 3 |
World Population Problems | SOCY 2126 | 3 |
Sociology of Marriage and the Family | SOCY 2132 | 3 |
Sociological Social Psychology | SOCY 2161 | 3 |
Sociology of Gender | SOCY 2163 | 3 |
Sociology of Health and Illness | SOCY 2169 | 3 |
Social Problems | SOCY 2171 | 3 |
Topics in Sociology | SOCY 3090 | 1-3 |
American Minority Groups | SOCY 3110 | 3 |
Older Worker and Retirement | SOCY 3125 | 3 |
Sociology of Sport | SOCY 3132 | 3 |
Families and Aging | SOCY 3134 | 3 |
Social Movements | SOCY 3143 | 3 |
Sociological Theory | SOCY 3153 | 3 |
Sociological Research Methods | SOCY 3155 | 4 |
Sociological Research Methods Laboratory | SOCY 3155L | – |
Criminology | SOCY 3173 | 3 |
Political Sociology | SOCY 3250 | 3 |
Political Sociology (O) | SOCY 3251 | 3 |
Human Sexuality | SOCY 3261 | 3 |
Sociology of Dying, Death, and Bereavement | SOCY 3267 | 3 |
Sociology Culture | SOCY 3271 | 3 |
Community and Identity | SOCY 3325 | 3 |
Honors Sociological Theory | SOCY 3753 | 3 |
Honors Sociological Research Methods | SOCY 3755 | 4 |
Honors Sociological Research Methods Laboratory | SOCY 3755L | – |
Honors Sociology of Health and Illness | SOCY 3769 | 3 |
Preliminary Honors Research in Sociology | SOCY 3798 | 3 |
Honors Thesis in Sociology | SOCY 3799 | 3 |
Directed Individual Study | SOCY 3895 | 1-4 |
Topics in Sociology | SOCY 4090 | 1-3 |
Sociology of Aging | SOCY 4110 | 3 |
Social Inequality | SOCY 4111 | 3 |
Sociology of Work | SOCY 4112 | 3 |
Professionalism in Sociology | SOCY 4114 | 3 |
Organizational Sociology | SOCY 4115 | 3 |
Sociology of Economic Life | SOCY 4116 | 3 |
Globalization and Development | SOCY 4121 | 3 |
Urban Sociology | SOCY 4125 | 3 |
Sociology of Education | SOCY 4135 | 3 |
Social Networks | SOCY 4140 | 3 |
Older Indviduals and Society | SOCY 4150 | 3 |
Contemporary Sociological Theory | SOCY 4153 | 3 |
Quantitative Analysis | SOCY 4156 | 4 |
Quantitative Analysis Laboratory | SOCY 4156L | – |
Sociology of Women | SOCY 4165 | 3 |
Sociology of Mental Health and Illness | SOCY 4168 | 3 |
Health Disparities | SOCY 4169 | 3 |
Sociology of Deviant Behavior | SOCY 4172 | 3 |
Group Processes | SOCY 4263 | 3 |
Status Processes | SOCY 4264 | 3 |
Social Psychology of Law | SOCY 4265 | 3 |
Sociology of the Internet | SOCY 4267 | 3 |
Sociology of Music | SOCY 4271 | 3 |
Minorities and Aging | SOCY 4366 | 3 |
Comparative Cultural Sociology in the Netheralnds | SOCY 4371 | 3 |
Internship in Sociology | SOCY 4480 | 3-6 |
Undergraduate Teaching Internship in Sociology | SOCY 4482 | 3-9 |
Senior Seminar in Sociology | SOCY 4699 | 3 |
Honors Families and Aging | SOCY 4734 | 3 |
Honors Sociological Research Methods | SOCY 4755 | 4 |
Honors Sociological Research Methods Laboratory | SOCY 4755L | – |
Honors Quantitative Analysis | SOCY 4756 | 4 |
Honors Quantitative Analysis Laboratory | SOCY 4756L | – |
Honors Sociology of Group Processes | SOCY 4763 | 3 |
Honors Social Psychology of Law | SOCY 4765 | 3 |
Honors Sociology of Deviant Behavior (W) | SOCY 4773 | 3 |