Julian Montoro-Rodriguez Presented at Latino & Alzheimer’s Conference in San Diego

Dr. Julian Montoro-Rodriguez and his team recently presented at the Latino & Alzheimer’s Conference in San Diego on their work to develop a principle-guided behavioral educational program (Cuidando Juntos) for Latino dementia caregivers. Cuidando Juntos is an adaptation of the Caregiver TLC (https://caregivertlc.org/) psychoeducational program to improve mental health of caregivers and increase information and support from family members and community services. This clinical trial aims to develop a culturally adapted caregiver program for Latinos and it is funded by the National Institute on Aging (P30AG064103-05). The conference took place from April 4-5th, 2024 and addressed research, scholarship, and practice on informed care for Latino/Hispanic individuals living with dementia and their families.